We are

Affiliate of Wellpoint Health, Safety and Environment Services Group,
Platform OSGB was established in 2007 and it's the first and leader corporate occupational safety and employee health professional company in Turkey.

It still provides full service to over 300 corporate companies in Turkey with tailor made projects through its 376 employees in 64 cities in 12 regional directorates.

Platform OGSM is the locomotive company that contains all of the services in which our group is specialized to assign them according to the project needs and coordinates such services.

In order to meet the specific requirements of the institutions, Platform OGSB engages our advanced services like WP Screening, WP Academy, WP Environment companies on project basis and in the time of need.

Trust a deep-rooted ''company'' with the safety in your workplace instead of ''people'', do not face productivity loss.

We aim

  • To provide healthy environment for the employees at the highest level,
  • To protect them from the negative effects of working conditions,
  • To provide the best harmony possible between the work and the worker,
  • To completely eliminate the risks at the workplace or minimize the damages,
  • To remove the potential pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages,
  • To increase the working performance.

Our job

Occupational Health and Safety unit is established in workplaces with at least 50 employees to provide occupational health and safety services. Occupational health and safety unit is consisted of at least one occupational physician and at least one occupational safety specialist along with occupational physician in workplaces where works regarded as from industry are being done.

This liability can be fulfilled by taking all or a part of the Common Health and Safety Units that are authorized by the relevant department of the Ministry of Labor.

Wellpoint's Common Health and Safety Unit becomes solution partners of the companies that haver such liability. In this sense, Occupational Physician and Occupational Health Specialist who is obligatory to be employed at the workplace is assigned by our unit and provides service for the period of time determined in the regulation according to the ratio of employee number in the company.

Our expert team organizes personnel trainings that are strengthened with internal regulations and instructions prepared specially for the company in line with the reports of necessary measures and all rules for the company along with the services provided.

Entire health process of the employees is recorded with patient tracking program specific to the companies benefiting from our services and personal tracking system is created. Thus, health performances of the employees can easily be monitored and solutions can be offered.